Why should you choose to invest offshore?
Over the past 15-20 years, UK investors have become far more adept at managing their own investments. The introduction of tax-efficient vehicles such as ISAs and the emergence of off-setting accounts are just two of the ways in which the UK investment market has become more accessible to the man or woman on the street.
UK investments alone, however, don’t always provide the returns that some investors are looking for, and many of the products are subject to tax at high rates. It’s no surprise then that many investors choose to invest a proportion of their wealth in offshore investment products.
So, what are the benefits of choosing to invest offshore?
The wide variety of offshore investments means that there are more opportunities to gain excellent returns. For investors who have medium-term goals and need to provide for school or university fees or early retirement, offshore investing can provide the returns they need.
There are several tax benefits to investing offshore, particularly if you are living and working overseas. Depending on the type of investment, the length of the investment and how you choose to access your money when you need it, you can gain significant tax advantages through offshore investments, including income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax.
Access to more opportunities
By their nature, offshore investments give you access to more opportunities than traditional UK-based funds. The growing number of countries offering offshore investment means that you have a wider choice of products, and this allows you to tailor your portfolio more accurately and more successfully. Your returns could be greater and you can spread your risk across a wide range of investments.
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